Monday, October 1, 2012

{31 Days} of DIY Hoarding Intervention

Day 1: 

I have a problem! There- I admitted it! With so many DIY ideas on Pinterest, in magazines and all over the blogosphere, I have a lot of great projects I want to complete! But here is the issue... I find a project I like, I buy or collect the materials I need for said project, and then I find a newer and better project that takes my mind off the first (uncompleted) project- and this process continues!! I have an entire room in my house that my sweet husband and I have dubbed as the "junk room" full of parts and pieces to some wonderful, to-be-completed projects.

So to do something about my "problem" and finally clear out the junk room (after many requests from my patient husband), I am participating in the 31 Days Challenge. Not only is completing these projects a challenge but the fact that I am pushing myself to write a post a day for a month is quite a feat! I average about.... 4-5 post per month (I know... that's sad!!). I have wanted to get more in the groove of blogging with some sort of schedule and I am hoping this challenge will do just that!

I hope that you will follow along! I need all the encouragement I can get!  There are also a ton of other great 31 Day topics over at The Nester's to check out!

One down! 30 to go!!

Day 2: Vintage Coffee Tin Tiered Tray 
Day 3: Cork Spheres
Day 4: Doggie Car Hammock
Day 5: Vintage Mail Collector
Day 6: Do Whatcha Gotta Do
Day 7: Big Things Baby Gift
Day 8: Wine Bottle Tiki Torches
Day 9: Initial Mugs
Day 10: Family Tree
Day 11: Glitter Pumpkins and Fall Mantel
Day 12: Chalkboard Coffee Mugs
Day 13: Chalkboard Wine Glasses
Day 14:
Day 15:
Day 16:
Day 17:
Day 18:
Day 19:
Day 20:
Day 21:
Day 22:
Day 23:
Day 24:
Day 25:
Day 26:
Day 27:
Day 28:
Day 29:
Day 30:
Day 31:


  1. I am totally going to follow along! Can't wait. I could probably be writing the same series! lol... We're bad!

  2. I have faith in you! I've posted daily for over two years, so I know you can do it. I'll be following along for moral support.

  3. You HAVE taken on a huge project. I was trying to write 3 posts a week and it was just too much. I hope you can do it! Good luck!
    Angie from

  4. Love the project of yours. Keep it up. Great work!

  5. Just getting caught up with blog reading and I'm so excited your doing this! Good job! I went through your projects so far and they are awesome! I bet it's nice to be getting some stuff done :). I also really like the doggie hammock :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. It means a lot. I try and answer any questions directly in the comment section so if you ask a question come back to look for my answer. However, it is much easier for me to answer questions through email at