Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Where in the World?

Earlier this year, I let you, my sweet followers, in on a little secret! It was back in January when I shared my Word of the Year- Trust and my little hint was this....

"David and I have a big year ahead of us! We will be making a BIG move (and by big, I mean like over an ocean big). Well... the big move won't be until this time next year but the preparations and all that leading up to it will take a lot of trusting and leaning on God."

Now that we have shared it with family, friends, and bosses and know that it is for sure going to happen- I thought I would let you in on where it is that we are moving! 

But you have to guess first!! : )

My husband will frequently visit this place..... 

And I hope to do a lot of this.... 

Any guesses? I will post links to the images here soon!! 


  1. What?! Wherever that is is beautiful! France?? I can't wait to hear more about it and am so excited for you guys!

  2. Are you moving to Italy??? Or, like Jenn guessed above, France? I am so jealous! And also so happy for you - what an incredible adventure!

  3. it looks an awful lot like the Cape Town region of South Africa! Where ever you are going, I wish you the best!

  4. New Zealand? My first guess was - Hawaii -- but I don't think they do wine in Hawaii. LOL! I mean - grow vines there. But the volcanic soil might actually be quite good.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. It means a lot. I try and answer any questions directly in the comment section so if you ask a question come back to look for my answer. However, it is much easier for me to answer questions through email at lorrinteriors@gmail.com.