Monday, October 22, 2012

{31 Days} Glitter Pumpkins and Fall Mantel

Note:  Due to some unforeseen family illnesses, I am having to play catch-up on my 31 days challenge! Thank you for reading!

Day 11: Glitter Pumpkins and Fall Mantel

I love fall! We are still feeling some summer heat but we're getting there. To help give Texas a hint, I did a little fall decorating here in our home.

 I decided this year to use brighter and cooler colors than the typical warm fall colors. I created a yarn wrapped leaf wreath, painted a chevron pumpkin and added a little bling with colorful glitter pumpkins.

These pumpkins are easy! I started by sponge brushing on some modge podge on the top of the pumpkin, leaving the stem clean.

Then I sprinkled on some glitter out of my stash from my sorority days.

I love the color and sparkle that these pumpkins add to our bright fall mantel.

11 down! 20 to go!!


  1. Loving your mantle! And especially the wreath! Did you make that? I just bought materials to make a similar one this weekend! :)

    1. I did. I had an old straw wreath form in my supply closet from last year sometime. Over a long road trip I wrapped the wreath with the yarn a couple of times. I cut out the leaves from felt and backed them with cardstock just because I apparently picked up flimsy felt. It didn't turn out as cute as my inspiration wreath so I was a little bummed by it at first but mixing it with other fun colors on the mantel helped me warm up to it!! : )


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