Wednesday, May 9, 2012

{Date Night} April

Our date for the month of April was a simple but sweet date. We had a picnic in the park last Saturday afternoon.

In his envelope I included the info sheet describing the date and a gift card to Subway. I also included a corkscrew for the bottle of wine I had hoped to bring but we ended up saving the wine for another time.

We split a subway sandwich and grabbed a bench right next to the pond.

It was a beautiful day and a great way to stop all the busy-ness of our weekend and enjoy just spending a little time together.
We both agreed that it is something we should do more often.

So far all of the dates I planned have been a hit! I may need a few back-up date ideas though! David is starting to steal my ideas without even knowing it and leaving me without a date for the month of June! Anyone have any fun date ideas up their sleeve? Please share!!!

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