Monday, January 27, 2014

Back Home with Big News

Hi Everyone! I wanted to (finally) check in and let you all know that David and I made it back home safely just a few days before Christmas. With the holidays and trying to somewhat move back in to our house, the days and weeks have flown by. We are now working out all the details of purchasing our home but that hasn't stopped us from already tackling a few DIY projects. I'll be back later with a few updates and tips from our adventures so far in ceiling scraping, painting, and ripping out old carpet.

But in other news.... David and I brought home a little someone extra home from South Africa!

That's right!! We have a little one on the way! We are so excited for this next big adventure! He or She will be here in just a short 5 1/2 months so we have a lot to do in order to finish the remodel and decorate a nursery!!

If you follow me on Instagram (alauraorr), you have already seen these videos but, just for fun, I thought I'd share our families' reactions to the news of our new addition.  At Christmas we gave the new grandparents, aunts and uncles, and great grandparents each a Curious George book along with a note that asked them to read the book to Baby Orr in July!





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