Monday, November 5, 2012

What I Learned from 31 Days

Well.. as you can see, October has come and gone and my 31 days series kind of stopped somewhere in the middle. Whomp Whomp!

I learned a few things in the process-

1st:  Blogging on an every day basis (or just routinely) takes some prep work. I stayed on top of it for a while but once I started slacking it was hard to catch up.

2nd:  Was I crazy to think that I could plan/do/write about 31 different DIY projects in 31 days? I mean, none of them were just huge, time consuming projects, but that's a lot of work.

3rd (and most importantly):  Sometimes blogging and projects have to take a back seat to more important things in life. October was a hard month for David and I. I truly appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers for our family these last few weeks. David's grandmother put all of your prayers to work and fought hard. She went to be with the Lord this morning and is no longer in pain and for that we are grateful.

Thank you again for your continued thoughts and prayers. I still hope to complete some of the projects from this past month. Have a great Monday and I will check back in soon!!


  1. I can't even begin to think about blogging everyday -- I would seriously have to write the majority of the posts WAY beforehand! I loved the projects you did do though -- super inspiring :).

    And, I'm so sorry to hear about David's grandmother. I'm praying for you guys and your family.

  2. I'm sorry to hear about your loss. That would definitely make for a rough October/November. Blogging every day would be super hard. I used to blog on M, W and F every week and it definitely does take some work. I can't keep up with it all the time and work a full-time job too.

  3. Oh, Laura, I'm so sorry for your loss. I'll be praying for you and Dave's family during this time. But what a comfort to know she's finally at peace.
    I read that in order to be a truly successful blogger you need to post at least 3x/week. I tried it for a bit and totally stressed myself out. There's no way I have time to do that, plus read the blogs of everyone else who's posting that often (or more). So I just do it as I'm able. Don't worry about not making your 31 days. The projects you did post were pretty great. =)

    Take care!


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