Monday, October 15, 2012

Just a Quick Heads Up!

Hopefully no one (but me) is counting.... but I realize I am 6 days behind on my 31 days challenge! I have been battling a two week cold and my husband's grandmother has been in the hospital since last Wednesday! I fully plan on playing catch up but things have been a bit hectic these past few days!!

See you soon with more fun projects!!


  1. Get well soon! Sorry to hear about your husband's grandmother :( Hope she gets to feeling better.

    1. Thank you Morgan! I hope to be back to DIY-ing soon!

  2. Oh no! I was actually wondering and was going to send you a little message. I'm so sorry about your hubby's grandma. Hope everyone is feeling better soon!

    1. Thank you!! David's grandma is making small improvements but still needs all the prayers she can get! Thanks for reading and thinking of us!


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