Friday, October 5, 2012

{31 Days} Vintage Mail Collector

Day 5: Vintage Mail Collector

(Now I don't know if this project would be considered a DIY project but it is one of those "why did it take me so long to do this?" projects!!)

I have a sweet spot for vintage anything and when I spotted this cute little green dust pan I had to have it!

I knew immediately that it would be a great place to collect our mail which normally piles up on the kitchen table until we finally decide to go through it! But when I told my husband about my plan, he thought I had to be crazy! Hang an old dust pan on the wall?

BUT a few months later I saw this in the HGTV Magazine! This was all I needed to convenience David I wasn't completely crazy after all!!

HGTV Magazine

Deggum! They beat me to it! But I finally did what I set out to do a few months ago! I hung our mail station by two nails in the handle. I hope one day to find a cute little hook but it works for now!!

The size is just right- it doesn't hold a months worth of mail so it will require that we stay on top of the ever growing pile! Anyone have any great tips at keeping the mail organized? Any fun mail stations around your place? 

5 down! 26 to go!!


  1. Nice! That is such a cool idea! I wouldn't have ever thought to use that for mail - you are creative! :)

  2. What a clever way to use an old dustpan. I never would have thought of that either.


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