Friday, December 9, 2011

Christmas Q & A

I found this Christmas Q & A from Meredith at Welcome to Heardmont. It is a fun little survey with questions about how our little family celebrates the Holidays! Enjoy!

1. Egg nog or hot chocolate?
I have never really liked Egg Nog although I might have only taken one sip. Hot Chocolate is always around but this year I have been drinking the heck out of some Apple Cider!!

2. Does Santa wrap presents or just set them under the tree?
He sets them out around the living room. Each person has their special spot with their pile of goodies! 

3. Colored lights on tree/house or white?
We like white lights on our tree and house! 

4. Do you hang mistletoe?
No, but I would love to.... Just haven't found any. 

5. When do you put your decorations up?
I was ready for Christmas decorations at Halloween but David thought that was a little (maybe a lot) too soon! We ended up putting our tree up the weekend before Thanksgiving and decorated it a little here and there that week while we were off! I am glad to report- I think it is finally done! 

6. What is your favorite holiday dish? 
My favorite dish is probably David's Granny's dressing. I have always like dressing but her's is absolutely delicious! 
7. Favorite holiday memory as a child?
We loved to pile up in the car and drive around and look at Christmas lights.We would fix hot chocolate and wear our pajamas and drive all over town. We also had to stop by the tree of lights in Wake Village and run through the middle of it!
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?
My mom slipped one day when talking with one of her friends. She was telling where she found the shirt I was wearing and then I said "No you didn't, Mama. Santa got this for me". They both laughed and then she had to tell me the truth! I probably would have had a couple of more years left of believing in me! 

9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
My mom's side gets together on Christmas Eve. When we were younger, "Santa" would make a stop at Mimi's before heading to our house. We would open up gifts from aunts and uncles and grandparents that night too. 

10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree?
It seems to change every year. This year I used golds, silvers, whites and rustic ornaments with feathers and twigs for a rustic-glam tree. I'm sure when we have kids, we will have a another tree just for the personal and handmade ornaments.

11. Snow! love it or dread it?
LOVE it!  We don't get a lot of snow here in Texas but when we do the whole town shuts down! I love the day off from work and fun playing with Berk!

12. Can you ice skate?
Oh no! I have attempted but it wasn't very graceful.

13. Do you remember your favorite gift?
Do you remember the dixie cup Christmas light decorations? My sister and I wanted a "Disco Ball" one year for Christmas and that is exactly what we had in mind! We got up that night to peek at what Santa had brought and the living room was lit up with two disco balls! We were sooooo excited! I can only imagine what my mom was thinking going up to some road side stand to buy those for her kids from Santa!! haha!!
14. What’s the most important thing about the holidays for you?
Counting my blessings and celebrating the birth of Jesus! 

15. What is your favorite holiday dessert?
My mom, sister and I would always make Pizzelles. They are thin waffle-like cookies that are so light and crisp and perfect with a cup of hot chocolate or coffee! I just need a pizzelle maker and I can carry on this tradition with my children one day!
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
I have always enjoyed the Candlelight Christmas Eve service at my family's church. We meet late at night to sing Christmas hymns and read the Christmas story.

17. What tops your tree?
This year it is feathers and twiggy branches.

18. Which do you prefer: giving or receiving?
I love giving! I enjoy finding and making gifts I think our friends and family will love.

19. Candy canes: yuck or yum?

20. Favorite Christmas movie?
Oh I like them all! It's a Wonderful Life is a family favorite; Love Miracle on 34th Street; and this year I have been in a Little Women kind of mood- not such a Christmas movie but oh well!

21. Saddest Christmas song?
One Last Christmas by Matthew West

22. What is your favorite Christmas song?
Labor of Love- My sister and I have sung this song a few Christmases in our family church.

How do you and your family celebrate the Holidays? Any fun and unique traditions?  If you play along, leave a link so I can come visit and see your answers!


  1. I'm just so in love with your tree.

  2. This is so fun! I love reading and learning more about other people. I too love seeing snow! =)

  3. I LOVE pizzelles! What a fun survey. :)

    For covering my books I just use scrapbook paper. Not sure if you have Robert's near you but they have a great selection!

  4. So glad you took the survey! Your tree is beautiful, and you know I LOVE that pic of your puppy in the snow!! ADORABLE.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. It means a lot. I try and answer any questions directly in the comment section so if you ask a question come back to look for my answer. However, it is much easier for me to answer questions through email at