Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Happy Fall Yall!

Happy Fall Y'all!
Fall is right around the corner (according to the weather man- 4:05 a.m. on Friday morning)! I am in the mood to do a little fall decorating to really get in the spirit!

So far I have made a wreath for our door.

I bought the flowers, pumpkin, and berries at Hobby Lobby and made the sign from an old board out behind our shop. (I won't go in to detail on how I cut the board- I'll just say it involved no modern or electric tool and I wouldn't suggest trying it at home...)

But I'm not done with my fall decor! Take a look at some inspiration from all over the blogland....
Brown Paper Packages
Centsational Girl
Sassy Bella Melange

Sassy Bella Melange
Centsational Girl
Wild Ink


What fun projects do you have lined up for the Fall?  
I'll be linking up with these lovely ladies soon on their Fall Link Parties! Come over and check out all the fun projects! 

Door Decor Fall Link Party


  1. Love the wreath! So cool that you made it! Do you have a tutorial for it?

  2. Thanks Kim- All I did was cut the stems off of the flowers that I bought from Hobby Lobby and then just played with it until I found a layout I liked. I stuck the stems in between the vines of the wreath and then hot glued it to stay. For the sign and the pumpkin I used a little fishing line to hold it in place and also used hot glue for a little extra hold! Easy Peasy!

  3. I NEED that burlap wreath from Etsy. Can't wait to finish my all decor projects so I can link up too. :) Again, love your blog. -Lauren (www.jesseandlauren.com)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. It means a lot. I try and answer any questions directly in the comment section so if you ask a question come back to look for my answer. However, it is much easier for me to answer questions through email at lorrinteriors@gmail.com.